Welcome to WeCarb.Earth!
This webspace is powered by the Wegener Center of the University of Graz on behalf of its Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz. It serves as a platform to provide information and exchange on Institutional Carbon Management (ICM), a new climate action management approach and related guidance and tools supporting institutions like companies and other organizations of all sizes to achieve Paris-compliant climate goals.
Welcome to join and become empowered for climate action to share in your emission reduction solutions, in the spirit of the ICM motto: WeCarb – carbsmart to Paris.
What Institutional Carbon Management is – in a nutshell:
Institutional Carbon Management (ICM) provides science-based knowledge, innovation, and services for institutional entities, including commercial and non-profit private and public institutions and organizations (such as companies, enterprises, corporations, associations, public-service institutions), for supporting them in an actively managed goal-driven and solutions-oriented transition to a low carbon institution until 2030 – 2040 – 2050, in accordance with the overarching goals of the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015 that require net-zero(a) emissions and climate-neutral(b) institutional entities earliest possible over this timeframe.
Welcome to have a look also at this Short Video about ICM (Language DE; June 2021 ©UniGraz/Koppelhuber).
Definition footnote:
(a) Net-zero: sum of the percentages of GHG emission reduction and GHG removal from the atmosphere relative to the GHG amount of the reference emissions inventory [tCO2eq] (RefEms2020, start of target paths) equals 100(±5) % in a future year (e.g., 2030), whereby the emission reduction contributes less than 90 %.
(b) Climate-neutral: sum of percentages of emission reduction and removal relative to reference emissions amount [tCO2eq] equals 100(±5) % in a future year (e.g., 2040), as for net-zero emissions, but the emission reduction contributes at least 90 %.
For a general introduction to Carbon Management (CM), comprising as well Public Carbon Management (PCM) and Personal Carbon Management (pCM), visit CarbManage.Earth (or visit via carbsmart2Paris.earth). This general webpage CarbManage.Earth also contains selected key links to detailed further CM infos.
This webspace was opened in 2021 and is repeatedly updated – stay tuned.