Working papers
Working paper #1: Wallner, P. and Moshammer, H. (2023). Social Vulnerability and Heat: Systematic Literature Search and Narrative Synthesis.
Working paper #2: Moshammer, H. (2023). District characteristics predicting vulnerability to heat.
Working paper #3: Tesselaar, M., Tiggeloven, T., Botzen W.J.W. (2024). Social flood risk in Austria: assessing flood risk using detailed projections of socioeconomic vulnerability.
Working paper #4: Preinfalk, E. and Beier, J. (2024). Characterizing differential climate vulnerability: A mixed-methods approach for heat related risk in Austria. (in preparation)
Marbler, A. (2024). Pop-AUT: Subnational SSP Population Projections for Austria (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
This dataset can also be accessed via an interactive SSP population explorer for Austria
Other output
Stakeholder map (in German): A graphical representation of stakeholders in the DISCC-AT project illustrates a selection of organizations in Austria that are concerned with social vulnerability to heat and floods. Details
Overview of vulnerability (in German): An overview of attributes of social vulnerability related to heat and floods, based on literature from Austria and, partially, considering European insights. Details